GROWING Into Twenty Two

Today is my 22nd birthday. THANK YOU, GOD for allowing me to reach this point of my life in good health, backed by the support of people who root for me tirelessly, and on my way to claim everything that already has my name on it! 

I am excited! The New Year serves as a fresh start for most people, but since birthdays cause us to reflect on our year and journey — I like to use this opportunity to figuratively ‘re-set the clock’. As year 21 was coming to a close, I found myself thinking a lot about the idea of fostering intentional growth. My journey thus far has been filled with experiences and people who have contributed significantly to my growth, but this year is about intentionally taking more responsibility and ownership over my own GROWTH.

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The growth I’m referring to is deeply personal of course, at 22 I think it’s safe to assume that I won’t be getting much taller than 5’7. I’ve been doing a lot of internal talk lately, interrogating myself with endless questions that have caused me to face some harsh fundamental truths at my core. I’ve been exploring my emotions, needs, and wants; and as a result, I believe I have catapulted my own linear growth phase. Writing in my prayer journal daily, exploring my feelings and thoughts in my iPhone notes app, using pockets of downtime daily to check in with myself, immersing myself in a stimulating read, and sharing these revelations here on FYV with you have served as my outlets. Ultimately now I’ve decided I want to revitalize my routine by incorporating these practices daily. 

Notice that the growth and hard work that I am referring to here is all internal. Reflection is the most humbling practice that you can incorporate into your daily routine and I started blogging with the goal of cultivating that. Unfortunately, I don’t blog every single day though and as a result, I am missing out on some crucial time to perform internal work. Hopefully, that’s about to change. Now that I’ve got a pretty good handle on my morning routine, my intention is to create a daily routine that includes these soul searching, self-care, and what I hope to be therapeutic practices through the Fabulous app, which will be my accountability guide and tracker. This science-based app allows you to create daily routines that pilot personalized journeys to track, correct, and enforce habits, this includes increasing your water intake, stretching, unplugging and disconnecting, mindfulness and mindset building, reading and whatever other healthy self-improvement practice you can think of. I strongly recommend y’all check it out, see if it works for you. I would love to hear your feedback! 

22 is about growing and elevating in all areas. Studying for the MCAT has taught me that you can’t expect to continue doing the same thing and expect to see new results. You have to continue revisiting your intentions and tweaking your approach in absolutely everything that you do. I believe that continuing to utilize and develop my writing and this new habit tracker will serve as essential tools for me to establish autonomy over my own growth and chart course for the kind of transformation I’m hoping to see. Look out for future blog posts about the areas of internal work and self-discipline that I will be especially focusing on during this season of my life. 

To be completely honest, at 22 years old I don’t fully recognize myself. I feel like I am re-learning who I am almost every single day, all over again. Every blog post has done that for me. I’m sure as you can see I write about literally almost anything. It has given me an opportunity to revisit, reflect, and re-write. I hope you are taking some time to do that through whatever medium you find equally as enjoyable and explorative. 

Happy Birthday to me! :) 


Seasons Come, Seasons Go


Gap Year(s) As A Power Move