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My Vision Word for 2020 Is Wellness

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My word for 2019 was FAITH, so 2020 is allllllll about the WELLNESS! 

Around this time last year, I selected one word to ground me and direct me for the year. I believe that selecting one word for the year really got me through everything that transpired. In 2019, when I decided to quit a job… I had really harnessed the faith to know that not only was better out there for me but that it was coming. As a deeply spiritual being, the faith was not centered on me. I was making it my mission for the year to actively teach myself how to have faith and absolute trust in God. I am still learning this. 

I’ve learned that all you need is a little faith. I used to believe that I needed to have this all-consuming form of relentless faith for my hopes to come to fruition, but I am living proof that the faith of a mustard seed has got me here. Now… towards the end of 2019, I found myself feeling overwhelmed by the hustle and bustle of life. Despite having a relentless work ethic, I get burned out pretty easily if I don’t take care of myself or take my head up out of the clouds. So no more feeling chronically overwhelmed in 2020, because I have somewhere I am trying to get to. 

My word this year is WELLNESS

I am striving for holistic wellness in all aspects. Ajayi is my name and balance is the game. My hope is that even when some seasons shift and require more of certain parts of me, that I have cultivated the habits, space, and inner peace to get back to wellness. I know that there will be many moments of 2020 that will take me away from this word, but I will not waver. I will always find my way back. 

When the year ahead hits me with its challenges, decisions, and roadblocks, I will ask myself, what can I do at this moment to get me back to wellness?

On the first Monday of 2020, I found myself calling out of work because of some unexpected circumstances that caused me to need a mental day. I believe this is a good sign of my intent and dedication to my wellness this year. The next time I have to make a decision like that, all I’m requiring from myself differently is that I consume no guilt or shame for prioritizing my wellness. So much of my identity is wrapped around my productivity that I forget I am not a robot. Some may say this is a sheer coincidence, but on this day even my Co-Star app told me so.

My hope this year is to change my perspective about and relationship with wellness. Taking care of yourself can sometimes feel overwhelming amidst all of life’s other responsibilities, but it should always remain a priority. The shift in how I feel about wellness is developing from applying an old lesson I learned from college. Delayed gratification. Sometimes wellness doesn’t feel good or pleasurable, but I recognize that gratification and pleasure come later down the road. I also gratify myself by building in rewards to look forward to.

I am achieving wellness through a couple of intentional practices that I have been doing. Saturdays are free for me to do as I please, nothing related to work or making strides toward my future on this day. Friday nights I usually dedicate to self-care, which can look like reading, writing, or actively listening to music. This means that I’m basically off the grid during this time. I am also in the process of finding a therapist because I fully recognize that to become a true practician and advocate for soul work I have got to go deeper. 

So, grind and take care of yourself, delay gratification, treat the heck out of yourself, and repeat! 

I empower you to spend some time this month choosing one word to guide your year. This word will serve as a reminder of what your focus is for the months ahead. I like to choose words that are broad and that tend to be centered more on some internal work, skill, or practice that I am trying to fully manifest. I compiled a brief list of words to get you started. Write your word on your vision board. Put it in your phone. Recite it daily. These are just a few examples to get you started…

















Words from FYV Readers:





I’m excited to see what words you all come up with to center your year! If you think of a word, mention it in the comments below or reply on social media so I can update the list above. Blessings to all on the year ahead, let’s use our word to serve as our vision for 2020!