What Got Me Here
It’s funny what all God has to do sometimes to get us to realize our calling. For some time I was thinking about starting my own blog or writing column, something I could use as a platform to publish my opinions, my thoughts, and my hopes. But, I didn’t think it would matter if I started a blog or not, because no one would really care that much for what I have to say. Or maybe if I did start one that it would open too much controversy to a wide range of topics. Nonetheless, I’m here, for a number of reasons…
My mother started sending out daily bible devotions to all her contacts from as long as I can remember. When she skipped a day, I recall people messaging her telling her that they really needed her message that day. I also remember seeing my older sister, Shawntay, starting a blog and kept thinking about what impact I could have if I did the same. Her courage and willingness to boldly share her life experiences was inspiring and moving to me. Her flow and style of writing was one that I gravely recognized and like her, writing was something that we both enjoyed doing. I would be remised without mentioning her blog as well, so be sure to follow her blog at www.justcallmetay.weebly.com. Then, the idea of beginning a blog was confronted with me again when Nydia Gutierrez, a Latino Outdoors Organization member and telecommunications worker, came to speak to my leadership program about using a blog as a means to build one’s network. By then, I actually started thinking about what exactly I’d like my blog to be about, its direction, and who exactly I would be writing to.
To be quite frank, I’m not exactly sure where I want to go with this, but I do have a few ideas. I know that this platform will be intended for me to talk about things that I care about, issues that need to be addressed, and to spread light to others. It is my hope that my words can be read by people who need to hear what I’m saying and others who largely identify with it. I’m not here to boast or brag about any of my life experiences or even to merely make this blog about me. This blog is for you, the person reading it. I realized that it was time for me to find my voice, develop it, and to build my brand. And, together I’m hoping that you can find yours too.
P.S. Please, share, comment and feel free to send me any ideas or topics that you would like me to talk about. I have so much plans for us!