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Transforming Energy Into Empowerment ft. Sheni Mills

Sir Isaac Newton’s profound law, “energy is neither created nor destroyed; energy can only be transferred or changed from one form to another” goes far beyond the laws of physics. With the understanding that the energy we hold inside of us can only be manipulated and not disintegrated, two truths are revealed. When your internal energy source is light, pure, and filled with goodness, there is nothing outside of you that can permanently destroy that. Exactly what we do with that energy is up to us, but we should take every opportunity we get to transfer it onto someone else. 

I couldn’t think of a more exemplar replica of channeling our energy into empowerment than the Beyond Biz & Beauty brand, created by Virgin Islander Sheniqua Mills. This uniquely syndicated Youtube series is showing viewers how dynamic the collective energy of black Virgin Islands entrepreneurial goddesses are when they join forces. The show successfully captures the three-dimensional complexity of what it means to be a young modern black businesswoman with fears, dreams, losses, wins, goals, and growth. Episode after episode one can’t help but walk away feeling as though they have the energy and ability to walk in their purpose. Take it from Sheni herself. 

Why did you decide to create Beyond Biz & Beauty? 

After graduating from Charlotte Amalie High School certified on the business track and earning my degree in business marketing, I was directionless for a while. I knew I wanted to start a business but I didn’t want to start one just for the money. I wanted to be passionate about what I was doing while creating an impact for generations to come. I went to networking events, watched youtube videos, and kept myself educated about the industry. I knew that I loved learning about business, entrepreneurship, and personal development but I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do with it. I decided to start a blog to share things I learned, provide resources, and also share my passions around beauty and fashion. 

As time went by, my vision got bigger and direction got clearer. Being a Content Creator means always looking to grow, pivot, and finding ways to better serve my audience. Being from the Virgin Islands and living in America, I saw a huge gap in the V.I with not having resources, a sense of community, and support for upcoming and aspiring entrepreneurs and creatives. That's why I created Beyond Biz & Beauty, a talk show youtube series showcasing up-and-coming young female entrepreneurs, creatives, and leaders in the industry, as we talk about their journey, fears and obstacles they overcame, and share useful tips while also indulging in beauty, fashion, and lifestyle. I wanted to inspire those who might be still in school, working their 9-5, and have goals and dreams beyond their day-to-day. Beyond Biz and Beauty combines the worlds of business, beauty, and lifestyle, which are all extended facets of who I am. It’s grown from a simple personal blog to a trendy culture and empowerment lifestyle platform for ambitious and glamorous women just like me.  

How did you come up with the name? 
Well, business and beauty are two things I'm passionate about. However, I named it Beyond Biz & Beauty because even though you can come to my platform to learn about business and entrepreneurship, there's so much more that you can take away from it. We don't only talk about ways to boss up in your business and in your life but we also indulge in other aspects that women can enjoy while in the process of building their brand whether it be beauty, fashion, wellness, culture, and entertainment. Beyond Biz & Beauty isn't just an online series. It's a lifestyle platform. It was very important to add the word "Beyond" because I envision my brand to be many more things than what it is today. 

And to dig a little deeper, I know people might think "what does business have to do with beauty"? Well, in my opinion, it actually has a lot more to do with it than you think. As a young woman, I strongly believe that part of doing good is more about LOOKING and FEELING good. That's where the beauty comes in! My confidence played a HUGE role in me stepping out on social media and starting a brand and I couldn't have done that if I didn't look and feel good about myself first. For me, that looked like doing my skincare routine, or even putting on some bomb makeup, or wearing a cute fashionable outfit. During those moments, I would always feel at my best and ready to conquer my daily goals. So yes, beauty can have a lot to do with starting a business. Beauty is confidence, beauty is self-love, beauty is empowering, beauty is uplifting. Beauty is making sure that you take care of YOU first (internally and externally). It's making sure you look and feel good about yourself first and then showing up in the world and for your business with confidence and style. Your brand is a reflection of who you are and I feel like If you're going to build a brand, why not do it in style? Shout out to my friend Rabiyah Ahmed. She actually helped me put the name together. I initially held doubts but as time went by, I learned that the name gave the brand meaning, character, and most importantly uniqueness.

I hear you. That inner beauty that we often hear people talk about is energy. When you show people who you are… it’s an energy exchange; an expression of your inner beauty. 

 To build off of your last statement, what do you think makes your platform different from others?

My platform is different because I host a series on my youtube channel where my viewers get the opportunity to hear real and inspiring stories from some of their favorite entrepreneurs. They share not only the glitz and glam of owning a business but are also open about the obstacles and fears of starting one. The content I create is for everyone. I make content for the ambitious and inspired girl ready to achieve her goals. I also create content for the glamorous and stylish girl who's into the latest trends. This channel will also serve as a space for people to learn more about who I am along my own personal life journey. I didn’t see many POC content creators with content that touches on some of what I mentioned earlier, so I felt it was especially important for me to take this step. There’s an influx of black-owned businesses being created daily and so I am here to share that. I am here for all of it! 


What universal message do you want people to walk away with? 

I want people to know that "You're always exactly where you need to be and that everything you need is already inside of you". I know people often struggle to find their purpose in life or worry about the next chapter in their life but in actuality, God already gave us everything we need. Once you stop looking at what's around you and start looking for what's already within you, the answers will unfold. I was so blessed and grateful to experience this for myself and was able to grow closer to God during that process. Self-discovery never ends! Like my favorite quote by Gary Vee says: "You're not lost, you're just early in the process".

Lastly, Do whatever makes you happy! Happiness is a big flex! You don't have to be an expert to start your own brand. Take me for example. You just have to have faith in the unknown, express gratitude in your current situation, celebrate the small wins, and stay committed to moving forward. And whenever you feel scared to jump, that's exactly when you should take the leap. Walkout on faith and step into your purpose!

I was so terrified to launch this series because it was something new for me which made me super uncomfortable. However, I knew that great things don't come from my comfort zones and that my purpose here on earth is much bigger than me. You'll actually be surprised how much people are ready to support and embrace you. I'm thankful for my support team who push and encourage me. As I’ve reached higher and higher levels in life, I’ve learned that being uncomfortable is okay and that I should embrace failure along the way. As Gabrielle Union mentions in her book, "Be afraid but do it anyway!”