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20 Goals For My 20’s: Part II

If you haven’t checked out my last blog post, please do. Continuing where I left off…

11. Continue songwriting. 

As a college pre-med student, I don’t have as much time as I would like for my passions which include writing for my blog and writing songs. With hopes of improving my flow and creativity in this craft, I’ll need grit and a constant work ethic. So it is my hope over the next ten years that I do what is possible to align myself with the possibility of eventually becoming a freelance songwriter. 

12.  Budgeting/Saving money/Building credit.

I’ve had some amazing life experiences, thus far, and I plan to continue doing just that. Budgeting and saving money, ESPECIALLY AT THIS AGE, can pay off in the future. It’s okay to splurge every now and again, but I’m always thinking about the value of my dollar. So I plan to save when and where I can. I don’t know about you guys, but I don’t plan to depend on my mother financially forever. My mother deserves the world and I can’t wait to give her that. So next time you get that refund check from financial aid folks, please consider putting some of it in the bank. 

13. Professional and social networking.

When I first came to college, I had no idea what networking was or how it worked. I was surrounded by people who knew how to walk into a room, throw their elevator pitch, and leave a remarkable impression. Over these past two years I have witnessed and experienced the value in that. It’s still something I’m working on, and I’m determined to become better at it. I know that it will open many doors for me down the road and that’s why it most definitely falls on this list. 

14. Identifying and dismantling implicit biases. 

We all have biases, some more than others. We have biases that we know about and  biases that we don't even recognize or that we know exist (implicit biases). This is important because I know in order to become who I ought to be, I must identify flaws in my character. No one is perfect, we all have them. To become the passionate, transparent, reliable person that I set out to be, I know that I must dismantle attitudes and stereotypes that I’ve been socialized or ingrained to think. By reading books contrary to my views or taking the implicit bias association test every few months, I can begin to form perspectives that are less partial. 

15. Become the bomb cook I’m destined to be. 

My mom has been teaching some things in the kitchen this summer, so y’all know it’s on! This is definitely a goal, because I enjoy eating a variety of foods. I mean like who doesn’t? Why go out to an over-priced expensive restaurant, when you can make that same 5 course meal at home? If y’all are lucky, maybe one of these days I’ll cook something nice for y’all. 

16. Maximizing on time. 

Even though it’s summer, I try to keep myself as active as possible. This means not laying in bed all day and binge watching Netflix. But instead, going outside my house and maybe reading a good book. I also try to take some time out to do regular chores, complete things on my task list, and what I like to call “life planning”. If we cut back on the amount of frivolous activities and time we spend on social media, we can create time for much more meaningful activities. Thus, I plan to try to continue using my time as efficiently as possible. 

17. Pay off those student loans. :/ 

Sadly this is a reality I cannot wish away. I do not plan to be paying for student loans well into my 40’s. God’s willing, in the future I will make the best financial decisions and moves as an emerging professional. It’s a goal for me because I can already feel the burden of paying them off and I await that day that that weight is lifted off of my shoulders. 

18. Nice gestures for others. 

Doing nice things for other people can go such a long way. We never know what people are going through, because they only tell us as much as they’d like us to know. I want to make an effort to genuinely do nice things for other people, like complimenting someone, helping an elderly person cross the street, or lending a listening ear to someone going through a difficult time. While the gestures can be gratifying, it is my hope to do it for the other person and not for me. 

19. Giving back to institutions, organizations, and the village that raised me.

I would not be the person that I am without the people and opportunities that have been presented to me. I know in this world we think that “we don't owe anyone anything”, but I feel that I owe respect, gratitude, and the same level of support to that village that has contributed to my journey. Giving back is remaining connected to these networks and hopefully in the future providing my time, skills, and my expertise to young people who reside where I was once. 

20. Stay grounded. 

Life has a way of humbling us. I hope that as I grow into the man that God plans for me to be, that I allow difficulties to teach me, make me strong, and provide a reason for me to persevere. I hope to stay grounded, self conscious, and to continue to share what I learn with others. No matter where I go, what I experience, or even what I accomplish through this decade of my life, I pray that I do not get distracted with minuscule things that intrinsically hold no value.

We all should have goals. Some goals are too personal to share, so I decided to keep it at 20. My hope is that you might consider adding some of the ones I’ve shared with you on my list, to your list. No goal is too big or small. You want your own business? Start researching and networking. You want to be the world's best uncle to your sister’s first born child? Help her out as much as you can. It doesn’t matter if you’re 20 or 50. Start planning and start making strides towards what you want. But, only work towards and focus on goals that you really want. Every second that you spend not working toward your goals, remember that someone else is. 

P.S. More blog posts coming soon.